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Monday 2 December 2013

A Special Tribute to Paul Walker

The world has been sad ever since hearing of Mr. Paul Walkers passing. It was heard at first as a hoax on Friday, November 29, 2013 that Paul Walker passed away, to only have the Lawyer on Saturday, November 30, 2013 confirm with the public that it was just a hoax and that Mr. Walker was alive and well.

But then later that same afternoon...

It was a shock throughout the digital world, Paul Walker and the driver who was his friend, die in a car accident attending a charity event. It was confirmed that Paul Walker was the passenger of a Porsche GT that got wrapped around a pole and burst into flames. 

Not many people know, but Paul Walkers friend who perished is named Roger Rodas.

I managed to find a few photos of the unfortunate incident. It is quite the horrifying scene as you watch these photos of the wreckage. 
It's hard to even tell where the car begins and ends, it looks like just a blob of wreckage. 
Even as I watch these photos it's still unbelievable and hard to take in!!

It's a really really sad time and I understand that everyone is grieving in their own way. I'd like to share a little bit of information in Tribute to Paul Walker.

Paul William Walker IV was born on September 12, 1973 in Glendale California. 

His most memorable movies are the Fast and Furious Franchise. 

But he had other amazing rolls such as this one: 
Where he acted as "Raw Dog", a drug addict criminal.

Or even this one:
Where Paul Walker plays a roll as a sophisticated criminal.

Paul Walker can even take you through an emotional roller coaster ride in movies such as this one:
Where he plays a father who is trying to keep his infant daughter alive during the wake of hurricane Katrina.


You'll be missed by Billions.

Sunday 1 December 2013

A special review on Elysium

I got the pleasure of watching this movie recently, and was just spectacular!!!

Hence why I must post about it, in case anyone that hasn't seen it needs to understand that it is a must that he or she see this movie immediately!!

Elysium stars Matt Damon as Max, Jodie Foster as Delacourt and Sharlto Copley as Kruger.

This movie has shock and awe you wouldn't believe. The whole idea and concept of Elysium where the rich and powerful live in space on a ring while only the poor and sick live on the destroyed earth.

Matt Damon takes you on a rollercoaster ride through all areas of emotion. He has to take extreme measures and overcome all odds to save his own life that was suddenly altered due to a work place hazard accident.

In the mean time, when he figures out his only chance, he ends up being given the chance of saving everyone on earth.

It's amazing views with amazing technology being put to good use. Matt Damon is amazing and astonishing!!

Elysium is full of action and adventure. It's suspenseful and keeps you wanting for more!!

I was sad when the movie ended because I wanted to see more!! 109 minutes wasn't enough for this phenomenal movie.

It's crazy to think what the human mind can create. We're just beginning to explore our surroundings. We already have the International Space Station that is orbiting earth. People are looking into traveling to outer space therefore a possibility of humans living out side of the earth's atmosphere is very possible.

I read an article that stated that there is people who are signing up for a one way ticket to the red planet Mars!

Heres the link: One Way Ticket to Mars

Therefore the future of outer space is right in front of us!

If your not sure if you want to check out this movie, watch this trailer.

Monday 25 November 2013

It's like Hangover, but your twice the age, and instead of taking an unknown drug, you're taking viagra.

**May Contain Spoilers**

When I thought of "Last Vegas", it reminded me immediately of the Hangover trilogy.

 It was the same idea as well as the same concept: Friends embark on a trip to and through Las Vegas in order to celebrate their friends last days as a bachelor therefore embracing his new role as a husband and father.

The difference in this comedy is that it isn't the Hangover actors, it's Legendary names that pop up on the picture: Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, and Kevin Kline who are embarking on a hiatus to Vegas. 

They might as well be twice the age of the young guns of the Hangover trilogy, but none the less, the four gentlemen show viewers that you will grow old, but you can still act like your young!

Last Vegas proves that comedy comes in all shapes and sizes, there is no such thing as limitations, only thing that limits someone from achieving (and overachieving) their potential is themselves.

I highly recommend watching Last Vegas, the hilarious scenes accompanied by these legendary actors and their legendary resume will really put a smile on your face.

If you don't believe me, please view this trailer: 

All four actors have had phenomenal careers, and rating who is better then the other is useless as well because it's a debate that would never end. 

However, I'd like for us to take notice of one actor in particular.

Morgan Freeman

Who has had such an impact on society that he received the Life Time Achievement Accolade. He's done everything!

Thursday 14 November 2013


**May Contain Spoilers**

Thor: The Dark World stars Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, and Tom Hiddleston as Loki.

Thor: The Dark World is the second instalment of the first Thor (2011)

Coming into this movie, I expected it to be a great one. Thor: The Dark World would've caught me off guard if it didn't deliver. After watching the first Thor, which blew not only the box office but people's minds, The Avengers followed closely and was just as impactful if not more.

Thor: The Dark World movies beginning transitioned very well from The Avengers, Loki was taken to prison and Asgard was safe once again.

Asgard was safe only for so long until a new foe entered their sights. Odin, King of Asgard, tells the history of the foe and where the foe came from.

This is where action packed carnage begins, and the characters lives are put into danger where someone ends up dieing during the attack of Asgard.

After the attack is where the plot of the movie thickens and sacrifices must be made in order for our heroes to be triumphant and once again save Asgard.

Thor The Dark World was a great movie and it met my expectations therefore there was no surprise in the level of quality the movie delivered.

Natalie Portman is a fantastic actress and her filmography shows it with movies such as Black Swan, V for Vendetta and the Star Wars franchise. Throughout the movie her character is faced with odds that aren't in her favour and she is able to over come her fears.

Thor The Dark World has a lot of action to share with it's audience, but the movie also provided a few comedic scenes that made the crowd chuckle (not Bad Grandpa type laughter though) and it worked so well within the scene as well as the entire movie.

Although, I understand not many movie viewers are into hero type of movies, regardless if you are or you are not, if you decide to see the movie I assure you that you will not be disappointed.

There is a lot more to it then just one movie, there will be an entire franchise dedicated to Marvel, there will be lots and lots of money invested into the continuation of Thor as well as the rest of the avengers characters. There will also be continuation of The Avengers movie franchise.

THOR THE DARK WORLD should be seen on the big screen!

Thursday 7 November 2013


**May Contain Spoilers**

Ender's Game stars Harrison Ford as Colonel Graff and Asa Butterfield as Ender Wiggin.

Ender's Game is not just a movie, but an adventure through a fictional thought of how ones life could be in the future. Ender is your not so ordinary child attending battle school where children are trained into effective fighting machines. The reason to the training is because earth was attacked by Aliens which left devastating effects, therefore Earth began full preparation mode for the possible return of the Aliens.

Asa Butterfield did an outstanding role as Ender Wiggin, he takes you through a rollercoaster ride of emotions and feelings all the meanwhile you witness the pain and isolation that Ender constantly endures and eventually overcomes whether by force or by nature.

Harrison Ford did his usual outstanding performance, and his return to Sci-Fi will not be cut short, I hear StarWars is in the works and Harrison Ford is rumoured to be back as Han Solo.

When I attended the movie, I decided to pay the extra and watch Ender's Game in ULTRA AVX. I must say, it was quite the intellectual choice. Watching a movie is one thing, but enjoying the movie that much extra because your experience level is heightened due to the Audio and Visual technology integrated into the movie (or any movie offered in ULTRA AVX).

The visual experience is what mainly caught my eye, space can look peaceful even in a war movie. Although there were a few roaring moments that had the whole auditorium shaking.

This movie is a definite must-see whether you're a Sci-Fi fan or not. It's an interesting storyline (with twists at every corner!) where children are trained to be used as child soldiers!

Funny enough, I didn't even think of the fact that this movie could potentially be promoting "Child Super Soldiers". My friend who attended the movie with me made that comment and it caught me by surprise, but he's correct. The whole movie was fantastic, from the beginning concept to the finishing credits I had not one negative thing to say about this movie, until the aforementioned comment.

Therefore, other then the whole child soldier fiasco, I don't believe Ender's Game should receive any negativity.

Great movie!!

Wednesday 30 October 2013


*Might Contain Spoilers*

Usually, I don't really go watch stupid funny comedies like this on the big screen, but I figured since there was so much hype, Johnny Knoxville is a funny guy, and I figured why not, since Bad Grandpa has been at the top of the box office, clearly there is something worth watching for 92 minutes.

Bad Grandpa stars Johnny Knoxville as 86 year old Irving Zisman, who is on a journey across the country with his 8 year old grandson Billy.

I find the intellectual level of comedy in this movie was all over the place. There was some down right raunchy and unpleasant scenes throughout the movie. But then there was some very clever scenes and comedic jokes that would make you laugh so hard you'd almost want to cry.

From what was understood, there were some scenes where the crowd wasn't aware of the prank and they believed some of the stuff was for real (hidden camera). I highly suggest watching the credits of Bad Grandpa, because it'll show you which ones were the scenes with hidden cameras and it'll show the aftermath (scenes not shown during the movie) that Bad Grandpa caused to the people.

It was a definite comedy right up the alley of Jackass although, I wouldn't recommend this movie for the younger demographic, or for people who don't accept raunchy over the border material. Some of the scenes shown, even the audience had some sounds of shock.

I am somewhat having difficulty understanding the hype of this movie. Though it was funny overall and what not, the level of hype and the level of satisfaction the movie delivered wasn't on the same level.

What was surprising to see was on IMDB that Bad Grandpa's budget was an estimated $15,000,000.

Bad Grandpa is rated R, I'd recommend watching this movie just because its a comedy and it does have some very funny scenes.

If you can wait for DVD, streaming, TV, etc.. then take your time, I don't believe it's a must see flick of the year, but definitely worth a watch!!

Thursday 24 October 2013


**Might Contain Spoilers**

Escape Plan stars  as Ray Breslin along side  as Emil Rottmayer.

The movie starts off very effectively and excitingly by enriching the plot of the storyline as they show Ray Breslin behind bars and then explain who Ray is and what it is that he does.

After Ray accepts his assignment, he is forced into a maximum security prison where there is no way out and all of his contacts and codes turn to be useless. 

This is where he meets Emil Rottmayer, the pair connect right away, and thats where the plot thickens!

The ironic part is, Ray Breslin isn't a criminal or a crook, he is just simply an escape artist who has knowledge to improve the prison system. His job consists of getting put behind bars and then escaping the prison, therefore resulting in an improved prison because he shows the holes to the Warden's of their prisons. Therefore, escaping with a convict isn't within the guidelines or steps for Ray Breslin.

After a little time, finding out that escape (whether it be by code or breaking out) is impossible, Ray decides to let Emil in on what he is doing and who he actually is. Since Ray has no other way out, he figured this is his best chance at escape.

I watched this movie with D-Box (*Cineplex D-Box Information*) and it was quite the entertainment enhancement. It's really cool how D-Box movies you as the fighting scenes come up on screen. Your chair moves with the punches, kicks, shoving and brawling. It really put me into the movie, and what is even better is that your drink doesn't shake while you do therefore if you enjoy drinking coca-cola, it won't fizz due to the shaking chair. I also enjoyed the extra space in the chair, I was able to sit down and I still had enough space to put my jacket to the side of the chair. What also helped was the extra arm rest, therefore I had my own two arm rests as did the other D-Box chairs. 

Personally, I think D-Box is a great experience and I think everyone should give it a try at least once, but my only opinion I'd like to add in is to make sure that when you pick D-Box, make sure its an action packed movie (I hear Expendables 3 is in the works) so that you get the full feel of D-BOX.

Also, on a side note, my friend enjoyed D-Box because he felt like he received a massage while watching the movie. 

All in all, Sylvester and Arnold did a great job keeping us into the movie. They both have had healthy, and lengthy careers respectively, which continue to grow by the movie. Arnold showed a different side of him in this movie, usually his characters are hard, strong, big, no pain, immortal to pain and bullets, and in this movie, he showed emotion, pain, he showed remorse, he even did something in this movie he never has done before, speak his native language! (incase some of you didn't know, Arnold is from Austria). 

Whether it be you are a fan or you are not a fan of Sylvester and/or Arnold, this movie is a fantastic movie that keeps you in tuned into what is happening as well as a good laugh and great entertainment! 

If you enjoyed Clint Eastwood's movie "Escape from Alcatraz" you'll definitely enjoy ESCAPE PLAN.

Thursday 17 October 2013


***Might Contain Spoilers***

Machete Kills stars A LOT of stars... but the main one is Danny Trejo who is Machete. 

Since the cast is so large, here are some of the more noticable names that are within the movie. 

Danny Trejo, Mel Gibson, Amber Heard, Michelle Rodriguez, Sofia Vergara, Charlie Sheen, Lady Gaga, Antonio Banderas, Walton Goggins, Cuba Gooding Jr., Vanessa Hudgens, Alexa Vega, and Jessica Alba.

This movie was a killer comedy, all stereotypes in the movie are not only shown, but over blown, the stereotypes get so exaggerated that you can't help but laugh at the weird funny puns every single character has throughout the film. 

I was surprised to hear negative reviews about the movie, I thought it was downright fantastic. The movie was filled with action, destruction, obliteration, and most importantly comedy (awkward or not). I think this movie is a specific movie that can only cater to the movie goer if he or she is prepared and is aware that this movie wants to be everything that other movies don't want to be. 

Not following? 

Let me explain, sometimes action flicks don't have weird comedy puns, like Machete (2010) or Machete Kills (2013) therefore ultimately attempting to become "the movie of the year" due to a huge budget therefore they are able to use top of the line CGI and top of the line screen play with the best screenwriters. Thats not Machete or it's producer Robert Rodriguez.

What Robert Rodriguez did was create a movie (possibly a trilogy according to the finish of the movie) that was filled with stars (Like what the Expendables did) and make it into a comedy action flick filled with comedic puns and awkward over the top stereotypes and expressions from all of the actors. 

This movie is downright hilarious!!!! I don't know why some of the critics were so hard on the film giving it a low score when they should've expected this type of movie from Mr. Rodriguez 

Wednesday 16 October 2013


Captain Phillips is a movie that is based on true events. Tom Hanks plays as Captain Richard Phillips of the US-Flagged MV Maersk Alabama.

Upon his trip to the horn of Africa, the ship ends up getting hijacked by somali pirates. Captain Phillips does his best to prepare his crew members before they are boarded. He was cunning and prepared as the pirates began terrorizing him and his crew. Captain Phillips and his crew manage to get the pirates off the ship but at the cost of Captain Phillips getting captured.

Thats where the real crazy emotional at the edge of your seat really begins!

The pirates escape off the ship with one of the ships life boats and attempt to make their way to the somali coast line with Captain Phillips.

Tom Hanks really puts you into that emotional roller coaster ride. He really knows how get your attention and retain it. During the movie, I never once felt bored or even have it feel like it was a 2 and a half hour movie. His acting has always been one of the best, this movie reminded me of his acting in movies such as Cast Away and The Green Mile.

The emotion that was put into every single scene while Captain Phillips was captured was unbelievable. Tom Hanks is able to put you into the head of Captain Richard Phillips, almost as if that were you in the life boat yourself trying to think of how you'd get yourself out of the tough situation.

With every single emotion portrayed as if the movie you were watching actually came to life right there in front of you. Tom Hanks shows why he has been nominated 62 times and has won 69 times

Recently, the best movies have either been super hero related or sci-fi related (probably because of the cutting edge technology) and even though Captain Phillips is neither of those, its definitely a MUST SEE!!!

I'd love to say that this is one of Tom Hanks' best performances, but it's really hard to say that when you put into perspective of his full filmography. So I'd rather say that this movie is really up there with Cast Away, The Green Mile and Forrest Gump.

Wednesday 9 October 2013


Before Gravity was released, the hype surrounding the movie was substantial. George Clooney and Sandra Bullock grabbed headlines attention therefore making the movie an instant must see! Sandra Bullock was even quoted saying that filming the movie was the best career choice ever in her life.

When I went to see the movie I decided paying the extra price for an ULTRA AVX experience was 
needed to truly see the beauty that required a budget of $100,000,000 (estimated). I was pleasantly surprised as I watched the movie, the beautiful picture of space and earth really does make you mouth "wow", it really made you see how big and beautiful earth really is. The detail put into the movie was impeccable. Gravity will be the closest thing anyone of us will ever be able to experience when it comes to space travel.

Gravity is a movie about two astronauts who get stuck in space after an accident destroys their shuttle. Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) is a medical engineer on her first flight into outer space, while her partner Matt Kowalski is on his last mission into outer space before retirement. As the accident happened, their communication between Houston is also severed therefore leaving the two astronauts stranded in space, tethered to only each other. Their only hope of survival is to reach one of the other space stations that the other countries have set up. Sandra Bullock and George Clooney did a fantastic job acting in this movie. 

I believe George and Sandra are amazing actors, but what brought me to watch this movie wasn't their acting skills (although it did help get you into the movie), it was actually the opportunity to see the breathtaking sights and visuals that the movie had to offer. It was the cutting edge technology that was used to make the movie that really makes you realizes how far technology has become. 

Gravity was definitely a great movie, worth the extra charge and most importantly, definitely time well spent.

Sunday 29 September 2013


Before I begin, I'd like to remind everybody that DON JON is an R rated movie and viewer discretion is advised. 

DON JON starts off explaining a story about a guy from New Jersey named Jon Martello (Actor: Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who only cares about his apartment, body, car, family, church, women, and... porn. His friend Danny calls him the Don Jon because every weekend Jon is able to pick up girls who look like a dime (10*).

*In the movie, the friends (Jon, Danny and Bobby) have a grading system out of 10 for how hot a girl is. The higher the number, the better looking she is. Dime means 10.

I do not own any rights to this image

So you'd think a guy who can pick up girls doesn't need porn, but thats where it all goes wrong. Jon set unrealistic expectations of being satisfied and found out that he gets off better by watching porn instead of making love with a real woman.

During the movie, Jon finds a "perfect 10" in a pretty little red dress who went by the name of Barbara (Actress: Scarlett Johansson). Jon ends up dating Barbara, meanwhile he's still obsessed with porn and cannot stop (although he states numerous times, he chooses not to stop). Jon believes he genuinely loves Barbara. But Barbara ends up catching Jon watching porn, but he was able to get out of the rough situation by telling her that a friend sent him that email as a joke. Jon decides to start hiding that he watches porn all the time and finds other ways of watching it (ie. his phone), which then gets him caught by another woman named Esther (Actress: Julianne Moore) who he later acquaints him self with. In doing so, Jon learns a lot from her and his issue with intimacy.

Unfortunately, Barbara ends up catching Jon watching porn again and their relationship ends. Jon decides, maybe its best to be single and moves on.

You'd think thats where the story might end, but after they break up, thats where Jon really starts learning a lot about himself, who he is and his biggest issue.. intimacy. Esther and Jon end up getting closer and learning much from each other.

The movie ends quite pleasantly, not your typical boy meets girl, they fall in love, life is good, life is bad, they break up, end of movie.

In the end, the movie was fantastic, Joseph, Scarlett and Julianne all did a phenomenal job as actors. Joseph Gordon-Levitt also wrote and directed this movie. Joseph wrote the part for Scarlett to act as Barbara specifically.

This movie was very interesting, hilarious, sad, emotional and fun.

Definitely a recommended movie if your looking for a comedy. 

Thursday 19 September 2013


JOBS is a movie for everyone to see, not only is the movie based on a phenomenal person but the movie also shows the roots of Apple Computer and how a single person can change the world. The movie began showing Steve Jobs (Actor: Ashton Kutcher) showing the very first iPod. It’s complex with chips and new age technology and yet simple and compact that gives the user mounds of music at the touch of a button.

After which we are taken into Jobs’ early life in college, where he ended up dropping out. But he didn’t drop out because he wasn’t sure of his life, he dropped out because he knew he was on to something big, something revolutionary, something that would change the world forever. Steve was determined to make his vision come true and he knew he had the knowledge to achieve his goals. He understood his goal in life and the movie showed us how he strived to achieve perfection.

I believe the movie depicted very well of how Steve’s early life was when he began Apple Computers and the Macintosh. It doesn’t matter if you love, like, hate or despise Apple and its products, this movie definitely needs to be watched by anyone and everyone. JOBS is an inspiring and imaginative movie which proves that everyone on this earth is ordinary, it just takes that one risk, that one change that can alter your life into something extraordinary.

Ashton Kutcher, I believe was a perfect candidate for the lead roll for this movie, not only did he do a phenomenal job of representing Steve but he also had the gestures down to the chin (Steve always touched his chin). Ashton himself has evolved from being a goof on TV to a superstar on the big screen. He is as inspiring as Steve Jobs, here is a link to a recent very wise speech Ashton gave to the young crowd at Teen Choice Awards.

I do not own any rights to this video.

Everyone has obstacles, the strength to overcome your obstacle depends on you and you alone. 

JOBS Movie Trailer
I do not own any rights to this video.