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Monday 25 November 2013

It's like Hangover, but your twice the age, and instead of taking an unknown drug, you're taking viagra.

**May Contain Spoilers**

When I thought of "Last Vegas", it reminded me immediately of the Hangover trilogy.

 It was the same idea as well as the same concept: Friends embark on a trip to and through Las Vegas in order to celebrate their friends last days as a bachelor therefore embracing his new role as a husband and father.

The difference in this comedy is that it isn't the Hangover actors, it's Legendary names that pop up on the picture: Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, and Kevin Kline who are embarking on a hiatus to Vegas. 

They might as well be twice the age of the young guns of the Hangover trilogy, but none the less, the four gentlemen show viewers that you will grow old, but you can still act like your young!

Last Vegas proves that comedy comes in all shapes and sizes, there is no such thing as limitations, only thing that limits someone from achieving (and overachieving) their potential is themselves.

I highly recommend watching Last Vegas, the hilarious scenes accompanied by these legendary actors and their legendary resume will really put a smile on your face.

If you don't believe me, please view this trailer: 

All four actors have had phenomenal careers, and rating who is better then the other is useless as well because it's a debate that would never end. 

However, I'd like for us to take notice of one actor in particular.

Morgan Freeman

Who has had such an impact on society that he received the Life Time Achievement Accolade. He's done everything!

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