Blog Roll

Wednesday 16 October 2013


Captain Phillips is a movie that is based on true events. Tom Hanks plays as Captain Richard Phillips of the US-Flagged MV Maersk Alabama.

Upon his trip to the horn of Africa, the ship ends up getting hijacked by somali pirates. Captain Phillips does his best to prepare his crew members before they are boarded. He was cunning and prepared as the pirates began terrorizing him and his crew. Captain Phillips and his crew manage to get the pirates off the ship but at the cost of Captain Phillips getting captured.

Thats where the real crazy emotional at the edge of your seat really begins!

The pirates escape off the ship with one of the ships life boats and attempt to make their way to the somali coast line with Captain Phillips.

Tom Hanks really puts you into that emotional roller coaster ride. He really knows how get your attention and retain it. During the movie, I never once felt bored or even have it feel like it was a 2 and a half hour movie. His acting has always been one of the best, this movie reminded me of his acting in movies such as Cast Away and The Green Mile.

The emotion that was put into every single scene while Captain Phillips was captured was unbelievable. Tom Hanks is able to put you into the head of Captain Richard Phillips, almost as if that were you in the life boat yourself trying to think of how you'd get yourself out of the tough situation.

With every single emotion portrayed as if the movie you were watching actually came to life right there in front of you. Tom Hanks shows why he has been nominated 62 times and has won 69 times

Recently, the best movies have either been super hero related or sci-fi related (probably because of the cutting edge technology) and even though Captain Phillips is neither of those, its definitely a MUST SEE!!!

I'd love to say that this is one of Tom Hanks' best performances, but it's really hard to say that when you put into perspective of his full filmography. So I'd rather say that this movie is really up there with Cast Away, The Green Mile and Forrest Gump.

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