Blog Roll

Wednesday 30 October 2013


*Might Contain Spoilers*

Usually, I don't really go watch stupid funny comedies like this on the big screen, but I figured since there was so much hype, Johnny Knoxville is a funny guy, and I figured why not, since Bad Grandpa has been at the top of the box office, clearly there is something worth watching for 92 minutes.

Bad Grandpa stars Johnny Knoxville as 86 year old Irving Zisman, who is on a journey across the country with his 8 year old grandson Billy.

I find the intellectual level of comedy in this movie was all over the place. There was some down right raunchy and unpleasant scenes throughout the movie. But then there was some very clever scenes and comedic jokes that would make you laugh so hard you'd almost want to cry.

From what was understood, there were some scenes where the crowd wasn't aware of the prank and they believed some of the stuff was for real (hidden camera). I highly suggest watching the credits of Bad Grandpa, because it'll show you which ones were the scenes with hidden cameras and it'll show the aftermath (scenes not shown during the movie) that Bad Grandpa caused to the people.

It was a definite comedy right up the alley of Jackass although, I wouldn't recommend this movie for the younger demographic, or for people who don't accept raunchy over the border material. Some of the scenes shown, even the audience had some sounds of shock.

I am somewhat having difficulty understanding the hype of this movie. Though it was funny overall and what not, the level of hype and the level of satisfaction the movie delivered wasn't on the same level.

What was surprising to see was on IMDB that Bad Grandpa's budget was an estimated $15,000,000.

Bad Grandpa is rated R, I'd recommend watching this movie just because its a comedy and it does have some very funny scenes.

If you can wait for DVD, streaming, TV, etc.. then take your time, I don't believe it's a must see flick of the year, but definitely worth a watch!!

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