Blog Roll

Wednesday 9 October 2013


Before Gravity was released, the hype surrounding the movie was substantial. George Clooney and Sandra Bullock grabbed headlines attention therefore making the movie an instant must see! Sandra Bullock was even quoted saying that filming the movie was the best career choice ever in her life.

When I went to see the movie I decided paying the extra price for an ULTRA AVX experience was 
needed to truly see the beauty that required a budget of $100,000,000 (estimated). I was pleasantly surprised as I watched the movie, the beautiful picture of space and earth really does make you mouth "wow", it really made you see how big and beautiful earth really is. The detail put into the movie was impeccable. Gravity will be the closest thing anyone of us will ever be able to experience when it comes to space travel.

Gravity is a movie about two astronauts who get stuck in space after an accident destroys their shuttle. Dr. Ryan Stone (Sandra Bullock) is a medical engineer on her first flight into outer space, while her partner Matt Kowalski is on his last mission into outer space before retirement. As the accident happened, their communication between Houston is also severed therefore leaving the two astronauts stranded in space, tethered to only each other. Their only hope of survival is to reach one of the other space stations that the other countries have set up. Sandra Bullock and George Clooney did a fantastic job acting in this movie. 

I believe George and Sandra are amazing actors, but what brought me to watch this movie wasn't their acting skills (although it did help get you into the movie), it was actually the opportunity to see the breathtaking sights and visuals that the movie had to offer. It was the cutting edge technology that was used to make the movie that really makes you realizes how far technology has become. 

Gravity was definitely a great movie, worth the extra charge and most importantly, definitely time well spent.

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