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Monday 25 November 2013

It's like Hangover, but your twice the age, and instead of taking an unknown drug, you're taking viagra.

**May Contain Spoilers**

When I thought of "Last Vegas", it reminded me immediately of the Hangover trilogy.

 It was the same idea as well as the same concept: Friends embark on a trip to and through Las Vegas in order to celebrate their friends last days as a bachelor therefore embracing his new role as a husband and father.

The difference in this comedy is that it isn't the Hangover actors, it's Legendary names that pop up on the picture: Michael Douglas, Robert De Niro, Morgan Freeman, and Kevin Kline who are embarking on a hiatus to Vegas. 

They might as well be twice the age of the young guns of the Hangover trilogy, but none the less, the four gentlemen show viewers that you will grow old, but you can still act like your young!

Last Vegas proves that comedy comes in all shapes and sizes, there is no such thing as limitations, only thing that limits someone from achieving (and overachieving) their potential is themselves.

I highly recommend watching Last Vegas, the hilarious scenes accompanied by these legendary actors and their legendary resume will really put a smile on your face.

If you don't believe me, please view this trailer: 

All four actors have had phenomenal careers, and rating who is better then the other is useless as well because it's a debate that would never end. 

However, I'd like for us to take notice of one actor in particular.

Morgan Freeman

Who has had such an impact on society that he received the Life Time Achievement Accolade. He's done everything!

Thursday 14 November 2013


**May Contain Spoilers**

Thor: The Dark World stars Chris Hemsworth as Thor, Natalie Portman as Jane Foster, and Tom Hiddleston as Loki.

Thor: The Dark World is the second instalment of the first Thor (2011)

Coming into this movie, I expected it to be a great one. Thor: The Dark World would've caught me off guard if it didn't deliver. After watching the first Thor, which blew not only the box office but people's minds, The Avengers followed closely and was just as impactful if not more.

Thor: The Dark World movies beginning transitioned very well from The Avengers, Loki was taken to prison and Asgard was safe once again.

Asgard was safe only for so long until a new foe entered their sights. Odin, King of Asgard, tells the history of the foe and where the foe came from.

This is where action packed carnage begins, and the characters lives are put into danger where someone ends up dieing during the attack of Asgard.

After the attack is where the plot of the movie thickens and sacrifices must be made in order for our heroes to be triumphant and once again save Asgard.

Thor The Dark World was a great movie and it met my expectations therefore there was no surprise in the level of quality the movie delivered.

Natalie Portman is a fantastic actress and her filmography shows it with movies such as Black Swan, V for Vendetta and the Star Wars franchise. Throughout the movie her character is faced with odds that aren't in her favour and she is able to over come her fears.

Thor The Dark World has a lot of action to share with it's audience, but the movie also provided a few comedic scenes that made the crowd chuckle (not Bad Grandpa type laughter though) and it worked so well within the scene as well as the entire movie.

Although, I understand not many movie viewers are into hero type of movies, regardless if you are or you are not, if you decide to see the movie I assure you that you will not be disappointed.

There is a lot more to it then just one movie, there will be an entire franchise dedicated to Marvel, there will be lots and lots of money invested into the continuation of Thor as well as the rest of the avengers characters. There will also be continuation of The Avengers movie franchise.

THOR THE DARK WORLD should be seen on the big screen!

Thursday 7 November 2013


**May Contain Spoilers**

Ender's Game stars Harrison Ford as Colonel Graff and Asa Butterfield as Ender Wiggin.

Ender's Game is not just a movie, but an adventure through a fictional thought of how ones life could be in the future. Ender is your not so ordinary child attending battle school where children are trained into effective fighting machines. The reason to the training is because earth was attacked by Aliens which left devastating effects, therefore Earth began full preparation mode for the possible return of the Aliens.

Asa Butterfield did an outstanding role as Ender Wiggin, he takes you through a rollercoaster ride of emotions and feelings all the meanwhile you witness the pain and isolation that Ender constantly endures and eventually overcomes whether by force or by nature.

Harrison Ford did his usual outstanding performance, and his return to Sci-Fi will not be cut short, I hear StarWars is in the works and Harrison Ford is rumoured to be back as Han Solo.

When I attended the movie, I decided to pay the extra and watch Ender's Game in ULTRA AVX. I must say, it was quite the intellectual choice. Watching a movie is one thing, but enjoying the movie that much extra because your experience level is heightened due to the Audio and Visual technology integrated into the movie (or any movie offered in ULTRA AVX).

The visual experience is what mainly caught my eye, space can look peaceful even in a war movie. Although there were a few roaring moments that had the whole auditorium shaking.

This movie is a definite must-see whether you're a Sci-Fi fan or not. It's an interesting storyline (with twists at every corner!) where children are trained to be used as child soldiers!

Funny enough, I didn't even think of the fact that this movie could potentially be promoting "Child Super Soldiers". My friend who attended the movie with me made that comment and it caught me by surprise, but he's correct. The whole movie was fantastic, from the beginning concept to the finishing credits I had not one negative thing to say about this movie, until the aforementioned comment.

Therefore, other then the whole child soldier fiasco, I don't believe Ender's Game should receive any negativity.

Great movie!!