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Sunday 29 September 2013


Before I begin, I'd like to remind everybody that DON JON is an R rated movie and viewer discretion is advised. 

DON JON starts off explaining a story about a guy from New Jersey named Jon Martello (Actor: Joseph Gordon-Levitt) who only cares about his apartment, body, car, family, church, women, and... porn. His friend Danny calls him the Don Jon because every weekend Jon is able to pick up girls who look like a dime (10*).

*In the movie, the friends (Jon, Danny and Bobby) have a grading system out of 10 for how hot a girl is. The higher the number, the better looking she is. Dime means 10.

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So you'd think a guy who can pick up girls doesn't need porn, but thats where it all goes wrong. Jon set unrealistic expectations of being satisfied and found out that he gets off better by watching porn instead of making love with a real woman.

During the movie, Jon finds a "perfect 10" in a pretty little red dress who went by the name of Barbara (Actress: Scarlett Johansson). Jon ends up dating Barbara, meanwhile he's still obsessed with porn and cannot stop (although he states numerous times, he chooses not to stop). Jon believes he genuinely loves Barbara. But Barbara ends up catching Jon watching porn, but he was able to get out of the rough situation by telling her that a friend sent him that email as a joke. Jon decides to start hiding that he watches porn all the time and finds other ways of watching it (ie. his phone), which then gets him caught by another woman named Esther (Actress: Julianne Moore) who he later acquaints him self with. In doing so, Jon learns a lot from her and his issue with intimacy.

Unfortunately, Barbara ends up catching Jon watching porn again and their relationship ends. Jon decides, maybe its best to be single and moves on.

You'd think thats where the story might end, but after they break up, thats where Jon really starts learning a lot about himself, who he is and his biggest issue.. intimacy. Esther and Jon end up getting closer and learning much from each other.

The movie ends quite pleasantly, not your typical boy meets girl, they fall in love, life is good, life is bad, they break up, end of movie.

In the end, the movie was fantastic, Joseph, Scarlett and Julianne all did a phenomenal job as actors. Joseph Gordon-Levitt also wrote and directed this movie. Joseph wrote the part for Scarlett to act as Barbara specifically.

This movie was very interesting, hilarious, sad, emotional and fun.

Definitely a recommended movie if your looking for a comedy. 

Thursday 19 September 2013


JOBS is a movie for everyone to see, not only is the movie based on a phenomenal person but the movie also shows the roots of Apple Computer and how a single person can change the world. The movie began showing Steve Jobs (Actor: Ashton Kutcher) showing the very first iPod. It’s complex with chips and new age technology and yet simple and compact that gives the user mounds of music at the touch of a button.

After which we are taken into Jobs’ early life in college, where he ended up dropping out. But he didn’t drop out because he wasn’t sure of his life, he dropped out because he knew he was on to something big, something revolutionary, something that would change the world forever. Steve was determined to make his vision come true and he knew he had the knowledge to achieve his goals. He understood his goal in life and the movie showed us how he strived to achieve perfection.

I believe the movie depicted very well of how Steve’s early life was when he began Apple Computers and the Macintosh. It doesn’t matter if you love, like, hate or despise Apple and its products, this movie definitely needs to be watched by anyone and everyone. JOBS is an inspiring and imaginative movie which proves that everyone on this earth is ordinary, it just takes that one risk, that one change that can alter your life into something extraordinary.

Ashton Kutcher, I believe was a perfect candidate for the lead roll for this movie, not only did he do a phenomenal job of representing Steve but he also had the gestures down to the chin (Steve always touched his chin). Ashton himself has evolved from being a goof on TV to a superstar on the big screen. He is as inspiring as Steve Jobs, here is a link to a recent very wise speech Ashton gave to the young crowd at Teen Choice Awards.

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Everyone has obstacles, the strength to overcome your obstacle depends on you and you alone. 

JOBS Movie Trailer
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